hi i am 18 and it is 2 week that i started to wet the bed ,under my parents pressure i started to wear diapers but they are very embarrassing and i went to doctor and it was n t a physical problem. i don t like alarms because when in the middel night i wake up cant sleep again lfe become very hard for me.
Hi Sarah, it can be very tricky trying to manage your bedwetting on your own. Sometimes parents can get a little frustrated with dealing with bedwetting and that is often due to the fact that they really do not understand that the bedwetting is in no way your fault. In terms of management, if you would prefer not to have to wear absorbent pants you can use plastic backed mattress protectors, there are many affordable brands available (which can be purchased from shops like Target and Kmart) that are plastic on one side and a terry-towelling fabric on the other. You and your parents need to be referred to a continence specialist (your GP should be able to do this) – they will be able to talk about different strategies to best help manage your bedwetting as well as looking more closely into treatments that will help you to stop wetting the bed. Regards, Dr Cathrine
hello, so anyway my sister (9) wears your night nappies and had ...
It sounds like you are experiencing secondary enuresis (SE) – this is simply the term used to descr
I'm 20 year old and I wet my bed once a month or one in two mont...
This type of bedwetting is referred to as secondary enuresis – with the most common cause being str
My 8 year old daughter gets woken up three times a night but is...
While you may be able to reduce the number of wet beds by lifting your daughter onto the toilet dur
hi i have 2 children one is 8 and the other is 12 and they both ...
This must be very distressing for you all. From what you have written in your question is sounds li
Hi, my daughter is 9 and a half years old and has not yet stoppe...
Dear Nat, bedwetting can be incredibly frustrating particularly when you feel like you have tried i
My child is 10 and is still bedwetting. We have attempted to sto...
While many children do outgrow bedwetting on their own, some children benefit from more formal inte
My daughter is 9 years old and still wetting the bed most nights...
It is incredibly frustrating and worrying when you feel like you have tried it all and still your c
My child is 9 years old, and has no medical problems. She also ...
Secondary bedwetting typically has two main causes: physical and psychological. However more recen
My daughter is 18 years and her incontinence has been going on f...
This must be incredibly frustrating and challenging for you all. Given her age I would strongly rec
Hi I'm 19 and I have wet the bed all my life I have ongoing bowe...
Bedwetting can be incredibly frustrating particularly when you feel like you have tried it all!! I
My 9 (almost 10 year old) is still wearing nappies at night time...
It is not uncommon for a number of members of the same family to experience bedwetting – this is du
Could my daughters bed wetting be a sleep disorder?
In a small number of cases bedwetting can be the result of sleep apnea. Children who suffer from s
Hi, my 13 yr old daughter still wets the bed occasionally. Somet...
Given the frequency of her wetting your daughter would be a perfect candidate for the conditioning
My step daughter is still bed wetting. She is currently using tr...
Sometimes children’s bedwetting can be the result of significant trauma or psychological stress. W
I know someone that is 18 years old and she still wets the bed. ...
In a very small percentage of cases people do continue to wet right through adulthood. I wonder if
My daughter is turning 11 next year and has been in pull ups mos...
Firstly, in the short-term I would recommend trying DryNites rather than Pull-Ups, these are specif
I'm Japanese and I'm 15 years old, but I haven't cured bedwettin...
There are a number of treatments currently available on the market you could certainly try. The be
I've been wetting since I was little and now I'm 15 amd I still ...
This must be incredibly frustrating for you. In terms of treatment the conditioning alarm is your b
My daughter is 25yo and has been wetting the bed since she was 2...
Dear Tracy - this must be so difficult for her. To be honest it is hard for me to recommend anythin
Is it normal for my almost 11 year old to still wet the bed occa...
While it is true that some children outgrow bedwetting on their own, the older your child, the less
If my sister aged between 15 years and wearing one and she has o...
This is really difficult to answer, as there can be huge variability both in terms of overnight uri
What else could i try for my daughter who just turned 13 she sti...
It can be incredibly challenging and frustrating when bedwetting continues into the teenage years.
My 8 year old has no issues with going to the toilet during the ...
It is completely understandable that she gets upset – no child every wants to wet the bed. Given h
Hello, our 7 year old son has developed an issue with wetting th...
Your son is experiencing a condition known as secondary nocturnal enuresis (SNE) – this is
I am 25years of age I have some issues with bet wetting mainly a...
I am assuming you are currently under the care of a specialist so I am reluctant to give any spe
Can I get a free sample and he is a bedwetter. Shoud he wear dry...
DryNites have been specifically designed to cater for older children so that they do not feel th
How do they bedwet
Bedwetting can result from a number of factors with the three most common causes being (1) an ov
Can be checked and how, the anti diuretic hormon level on childr...
Not every child who wets the bed does so because of low levels of the hormone ADH. Given the pot
My 10 & 1/2 year old still wets every night with no medical ...
It is perfectly fine to use DryNites even when girls start menstruating. If you are after additi
My daughter who was 8 in February of this year, she still wets t...
Dear Melissa,Given both the frequency of your daughter's wetting as well as her age I wou
how old do you have to be to buy drynite pyjama pants
DryNites Pyjama Pants are designed for children and teenagers aged between 2 years&nbs
I wanna tell my best friend that i still wet the bed, but how ca...
Unfortunately many children and teenagers are teased by family members or friends for their bedw
My son wets the bed every night. He wears pullups and every nigh...
Bedwetting can be incredibly frustrating particularly when you feel like you have tried it all a
Hi My step son is 11 and is still wetting the bed nearly every n...
The older children the less likely bedwetting will resolve itself without the support of interve
I wet my pants during the day but not at night. Should I wear na...
Any type of daytime incontinence after the age of 6 years really needs to be investigated by a d
Hi Dr Cathrine. My 14 year old son keep's wetting the bed a lot ...
Sleepover and school camps can present particular challenges to children who wet the bed. To&nbs
How much are these recommended to hold?
Disposable absorbent pants like DryNites® Pyjama Pants are specially designed to stor
What is the absorbency mls of the Huggies Dry nights 27 - 57kg p...
Disposable absorbent pants like DryNites Pyjama Pants are designed for children from 2
Hey I'm 13 and I obviously bed wet I have tried medication pull-...
The best approach to the treatment of bedwetting is the conditioning alarm, with approximately 7
We have 3 children 10 (male) 9 (female) 7 (female). All are bed ...
There is quite a strong genetic link to bedwetting so it is not unusual to find a number of
my son is 12 years and bedwet at night. During day time, he is o...
Any form of wetting as children approach the teenage years can be incredibly distressing an
Hi im 20 years old and my younger sister who is 15 lives with me...
The most common cause of daytime wetting amongst teenage girls is a urinary infection so
My grandson has short bowel syndrome and is fed via TPN overnigh...
Coping with a child who wets the bed can be incredibly challenging, particularly when you have t
My son is almost 10 years old and wets the bed regularly. We use...
DryNites can store around 1100ml - 1170ml of urine. If you are finding he is wetting throug
Struggling with bed wetting. Where should i start?
While it is certainly true that some children outgrow bedwetting, this is not the case for
My child has admitted to being sexually aroused by "wetting" and...
Unfortunately this is beyond my area of expertise. I would recommend you speak with you GP who w
After taking her out of night time nappies she wet the bed fairl...
Secondary bedwetting is much more common among children who take longer to achieve nighttime contin
Hi Crystal, firstly with respect to your 9-year-old daughter, while it is true many children do out
It sucks to say the least, I think it might be stress related be...
Hi A.S., - I totally agree, wetting the bed at your age is a real disappointment and if let go can
I ordered a free sample of drynites for 15yrs boy.
Hi Shane, you should receive your free sample within a week of ordering. Regards, Dr Cathrine
Hi Clayton, it is completely normal to feel a little anxious about attending sleepovers when you we
Hi Claire, This must be incredibly frustrating. Leakage often results from improper fit, which can
Dear Donna, Some parents prefer to manage children’s bedwetting by waking them or lifting them to t
Unfortunately, I'm a regular bedwetter, and I've come to depend ...
Hi Holly, that's wonderful to hear that you have found DryNites so helpful in the management of you
This is really difficult to answer, as there can be huge variability both in terms of overnight uri
But as I get older and older the number of wet-nights decrease. ...
Hi Nour, in a very small number of cases people do continue to experience bedwetting through to the
My son has special needs and also has a VP Shunt. He is continen...
Hi K.D., DryNites offer similar absorbency to the Junior nappies – the decision to switch is typica
My free sample has note came yet
Hi Zack, your free sample should arrive within about a week of ordering. If it hasn’t arrived by no
Boys and Girls
Hi Josh, given their ages I would recommend that you purchase DryNites rather than nappies; DryNite
You are experiencing what is commonly referred to as secondary nocturnal enuresis. This term is use
my 15 year old daughter was away on a camp a few days ago she ha...
Sometimes when children are outside their normal environment they can become overly anxious or stre
At school
Hi Maria,it is fine for girls who wte the bed to continue using DryNites at night once they start m
Hi Mike, leakage can result from a number of factors, the most common being poor fit. Have you trie
Joy, my best friend, shes 16, has been abused her hole life, eve...
Hi Kassandra – it is wonderful to know that Joy has such a special friend in you. Given Joy’s backg
Hi Kynie, uncontrolled bowel motions can be the result of a number of factors both physical and psy
i have placed her in a few brands and stopeed her drinnking wate...
Hi Beth, you do not indicate in your question whether this is something that has always happened or
hi priviously i excuse beacause of grammitial &vocablorycal ...
Hi Mahmood, I am afraid this is beyond my area of expertise, can I suggest that you follow-up with
Hopefully you have received your free sample by now. If not, can I recommend you submit a second re
Hi my name is Lindsey, & I have been wetting the bed for a c...
Hi Lindsey, while nappies can be used to help manage nighttime wetting, these are not ideal as ther
I asked her if she could wear nappies and she did but now she is...
It is very unusual for a teenager girl to suffer from daytime incontinence. Daytime incontinence is
Wanted to add that it has started happening since she has joined...
I can understand how distressing this situation must be for both you and your daughter. Deliberate
Please accept my apologies for the delay in my response to you over the Christmas holidays. Firstly
He wonders if needs nightime protection.
Firstly, Please accept my apologies for the slight delay in responding over the Christmas and New Y
i´ve been wetting the bed in the past 4 months (since my cat die...
Dear David, Please accept my apologies for the slight delay in responding over the Christmas and Ne
Hello Dr Cathrine, My daughter is 13 and needs to wear drynites...
Dear Hanna, please accept my apologies for the slight delay in responding over the Christmas and Ne
He wets his bed almost everynight. He tells me its being going o...
Please accept my apologies for the slight delay in responding over the Christmas and New Year perio
I'm a bed wetter and I have just stared doing a poo in my sleep ...
Dear Bronte, please read this response in conjunction with my previous answer. While it is not unus
Hi Bronte - Understandably one of the most common concerns for older children and teenagers who wet
My daughter is a bed wetter so iput her in nappys and now she's ...
Dear Brooke, occasionally children who wet the bed at night may develop a fear of wetting themselve
Hi bronte here I've been a bed wetter since I was ten and I'm n...
Hi Bronte, this must be vey upsetting for you. The first thing to do is discuss this with your pare
Dr Catherine. I have gotten to the point where I no longer feel ...
Dear Ben, If you have outgrown DryNites you might like to consider products that have been designed
Hi Dr.cathrine Before anything i Congratulations you for new ye...
Dear Mahmood, it is lovely to hear from you again and a happy new year to you too! Yes positive thi
Hi my name is Lindsey & im 13, I had been wearing my little ...
Hi Lindsey, while nappies can be used to help manage nighttime wetting, these are not ideal as ther
He is a very smart student and has lots of friends who doesn't k...
This is really outside my area of expertise. I would recommend that you make an appointment with a
I wear drynites to bed and I have waterproof bed sheet that goes...
Hi W.S., While nighttime wetting is not particularly common among adults, it is not unheard of. Sec
I wet the bed sometimes and I wear drynites to school but I don'...
Dear Felix, Daytime wetting can be the result of a number of different factors, some of which are m
Hi Gail, Bedwetting can be incredibly challenging to manage, and even more so when it starts to imp
I dont have a kid :) this is me
Hi James, it is not unusual for people who have taken a little longer to become dry at night to exp
Im 17 and i wet the bed but in too embarrassed to go get drynite...
If buying DryNites at the supermarket creates undue stress I would suggest that you purchase these
Hello Dr. My daughter she is 14 years old and in 10th class.. a...
Dear Neha, unfortunately there are not a lot of 'successful' home remedies out there when in comes
Hi wear drynites but still wet the bed I don't know what els to ...
How frustrating for you! Leakage can result from improper fit, which can occur if your DryNites are
DryNites can certainly be worn during the day to help manage daytime incontinence. If you do choose
we have tried the bell and pad alarm, this just made him anxious...
Hi Jodi, bedwetting can be incredibly frustrating particularly when you feel like you have tried it
Dear Dalton, you can certainly use absorbent pants to help mange your bedwetting. Given your age yo
Hi my name is Lucy and i have started wetting the bed these last...
Hi Lucy, while it is perfectly fine to use DryNites to help manage daytime enuresis, this is really
My son wears Huggies size six at the moment...they aren't proper...
Dear Dave, the larger DryNites are designed for children and teenagers weighing between 27-57kg+. I
My son is 13 and has a 28" waist but his 11-15 drynites leak eve...
Leakage can result from improper fit, which occurs when children’s DryNites are too small or too la
Dear Sara, if you have not down so already I would recommend making an appointment with you GP to h
We have a 13 year old who wets the bed every night ..... has a ...
Bedwetting among teenagers can really impact on their self-esteem and can lead to isolation and ali
I'm sorry, I'm a bit confused about the actual size drynites can...
Can I recommend that you request a sample off the website as this will give you a better indication
Hi there! My name is Patrick, I'm 17 and use drynites and still ...
Hi Patrick, it is best to think of DryNites as a form of management. Unlike treatments that are spe
hi i am 18 and it is 2 week that i started to wet the bed ,under...
Hi Sarah, it can be very tricky trying to manage your bedwetting on your own. Sometimes parents can
My daughter is in 5 t clothes.. however for pants it is better i...
Hi S. K., It is not unusual for children with additional support needs to take a little longer to a
Good afternoon doctor I have recently got into a relationship, h...
Hi Andrew, how we manage and support children throughout the bedwetting process is really important
He is very big and wants to wear diapers to bed but i feel diape...
Dear John, your son may be experiencing encopresis which simply refers to uncontrolled soiling in c
Hi, I have a 10 yr boy and a 12 yr old boy that wet the bed almo...
Hi Crystal - it must be incredibly frustrating and distressing having tried so many different forms
i been wetting more and more and my mom and dad don't care even ...
Dear Gabe, it is really important that you do not try and manage this on your own. What you describ
Dear Joseph, the important thing when choosing an absorbent pant product is to ensure it provides (
im dylan im 16th and im still weting the bed i have school camp ...
Hi Dylan - it is completely understandable that you feel a little anxious about attending school ca
Hi Dr.Cathrine i am mahmood that i asked you two questions and ...
Dear Mahmood, lovely to hear from you again. Bedwetting can be incredibly frustrating particularly
I would like to try dri nights but not get them delivered.
DryNites are stocked in most (if not all) major grocery stores and many chemists. DryNites are perf
My daughter is 11 and has had regular periods since 9. She has h...
Dear Jacqui, I think you need to adopt two different approaches here – one which will help you mana
Hello! I'm an 18 y o girl and I've always been a bed wetter. I ...
Hi Sammy - I completely understand your desire to resolve your bedwetting before you commence unive
I change her from her day time panties into her bed nappy(drynit...
Hi Julie, DryNites can continue to be worn once young girls start menstruating. The move toward an
Hi I'm 13, i have notice that I have wetting the bed and also in...
Hi Bronte, urinary tract infections along with some other medical conditions like diabetes and cons
When will my sample arrive
Hi Nathan, it is perfectly fine to wear DryNites during the day to help manage daytime accidents. I
In school, We were all ask to sit down at school but she my frie...
Hi Anne Maria, it is wonderful to hear that you have such a supportive friend at school. It is not
Your daughter is experiencing secondary enuresis which occurs when a child has had proper control o
As embarrassing as this may seem you are not alone. There are thousands of people, including teenag
Stress can manifest itself in many different ways; some teenagers isolate themselves, other’s act o
Hi Gregory - Having a teenager who continues to struggle with bedwetting can be incredibly challeng
Dear Justin, DryNites can certainly be worn during the day to help manage daytime incontinence. If
My boy prefers the old style where there were more pictures (lik...
Dear Ally, the DryNites development team are always interested in feedback from customers, I will b
Hi Shannon – this must be very frustrating for you. Conditioning alarms do require a significant co
DryNites are specifically designed for nighttime use and offer a high level of absorbancy, drawing
The larger size is designed for children and adolescence weighing up to 57kg, you could request a f
Dear Shyhan, firstly, my apologies for the delay in responding over the Christmas period. It can be
my son is 13 and still have wet night we both diaper him my ques...
Dear Adam - Happy New Year to you too!! Having a teenager who continues to struggle with bedwetting
I have wet my bed for so long and my parents have taken me to do...
It is not unusual for individuals who have taken longer to achieve nighttime continence to experien
My son is 12 and we have talked to the GP about his urinary inco...
Hi Logan, Happy New Year! I am not aware of any moves to develop a larger size - mostly because of
Dear Carla, Happy New Year! While many children will outgrow bedwetting on their own, some children
We have tried everything but it does not work and was wounding i...
Hi Kevin, it is incredibly frustrating and worrying when you feel like you have tried it all and st
My 12 year old daughter wets almost every night and has done so ...
Dear Jessica, if your daughter has particularly sensitive skin she may be more prone to developing
I would recommend discussing this with her doctor as thrush infections may result from a number of
Dear Debz, bedwetting is common problem amongst children with special needs. For many, this continu
Hi Mel, bedwetting can be very distressing and challenging to manage, particularly when there appea
I can't control when I poo and pee in the day and night I need s...
It is completely understandable to feel frustrated by this situation however this is really not som
His height is 170cm ,he wet bed from more than 5 years
Hi Nazid, I think it is wonderful that you care for your cousin enough to want to support him throu
he is 24 what size whould be good and brand
Dear Steve, if your son has outgrown his DryNites you might like to consider products that have bee
My son is still bedwetting at age 16 close to 17, I was wonderin...
Thank you for your lovely feedback. I am unaware of any current moves to extend the range to incorp
i have tried every nappie brand and someone told me to use huggi...
There is a section on the front page of the website where you can request a sample be sent to you -
I am 63
Dear Larry - firstly, please accept my apologies for my delay in responding. It sounds like you are
Many teenagers who wet the bed worry about attending sleepovers, slumber parties and school camps –
There was smelly urine in my drynite that appear in my school dr...
Hi Anne Maria, unfortunately children and teenagers can be very cruel so we need to think about way
While it is perfectly fine to use DryNites to help manage daytime wetting it is important to unders
Hi Heather - There is financial support available through the Continence Aids Payment Scheme (CAPS)
more so than the print offers
Hi Sarah, the design team are always working at making the DryNite designs interesting and appealin
He has flat out refused to speak to the doctor about it, and I d...
Dear Jacob, while I completely understand your sons reluctance to speak to anyone about this and yo
My girl age ten always wets the bed at night and sometimes does ...
Dear Roxy, DryNites can certainly be worn during the day to help manage daytime incontinence. If yo
Many children who wet the bed worry about attending sleepovers, slumber parties and school camps. I
Hi My daughter really loves your frozen prints on the 4-7 years...
Hi Rachel - DryNites designs are constantly changing. In selecting designs the team tries to accomm
When it comes to stopping bedwetting your best bet is to try a conditioning alarm. While your daugh
Two young boys trying to save money
Hi Peter - this is something that you may be able to negotiate with your local supermarket – altern
Hi Liam, if you are finding the larger size DryNites are no longer providing a proper fit you can l
My son had always had problems with bed wetting, so when he was ...
Dear Lisa, it is not unusual for children who took longer to achieve nighttime continence to return
I'm 16 and I used to wear pull-ups to bed and would wet in them ...
Hi Katie – I completely understand your frustration. The tricky thing about bedwetting is that ther
it would help older kids who are In their teens who can't find t...
Thank you for this feedback - I will certainly pass this on to the marketing team. Have you tried G
Dear Joy – some GPs prescribe a synthetic version of vasopressin – a hormone which inhibits the amo
Just asking if this is normal
DryNites have been specifically designed to look and feel like underpants, so it's a good thing tha
We have gone to the doctor who cant find anything wrong. She is ...
The larger DryNites size is designed for children and teenagers weighing between 27-57kg+. I would
Dear Wills, while it is certainly possible that your son will outgrow bedwetting on his own, the ch
I just bourght a pack of drynites and openend them for my girl a...
There is a function on the website where you are able to request a free sample - this is useful par
Approximately 2% of individuals will continue to wet the bed right through their teenage years. If
When are you going to make different disigns on the huggies dryn...
The designs on the DryNites change reasonably regularly - if you have any suggestions regarding dif
A return to nighttime wetting after many years of dry nights can be the result of an underlying med
Unfortunately many children and teenagers are teased by family members or friends for their bedwett
While it is perfectly fine to use DryNites to help manage your daytime wetting it is important to u
I was wondering if they are different in any way apart from patt...
Both the boys and girls DryNites offer similar levels of absorbency however they do differ in terms
I have just starting wetting the bed of middle of may his year I...
You are experiencing what is commonly termed secondary bedwetting – this simply refers to a situati
My older teen has nf1 and has his sleep disrupted by frequent ni...
It is not unusual for children with developmental delays to develop nighttime continence somewha
I've had bladder issues since I started working in the wash bay ...
You are experiencing what is commonly referred to as secondary nocturnal enuresis. This term is
I am 23 years old and I have problems.wetting the bed I dry nigh...
As embarrassing and frustrating as this may seem you are not alone. There are th